Camping with Kids

June 7
After a week on the road I can honestly say traveling in an RV is camping! After a few nights in various over lit parking lots and rest areas situated next to busy train stations we have started looking for quiet church parking lots.

These seem to be safe, semi dark and are usually in decent neighborhoods. We planned to camp at RV places but so far we have been driving so late that we just need to pull up and find a quick place to park in the middle of the night.
This morning Alyssa and I put our foot down and refused to step foot inside the church without our Sunday morning showers. No one minded and Norm took all the kids into the church while we spoiled ourselves and planned to come out looking like superwomen. It all started out well except that we ended up showering out of a jug of boiled water because the valve to the hot water heater had not been turned on! By the time church was over all the boys came out just in time to get nice freshly heated water for their showers.
For some reason I thought it was Fathers Day today. I knew Norm needed extra pampering since he has been so cheerful and doing so much of the driving and still working late into the night. So we snuck it to Walmart and got some special treats for him and few things from chapters at west ed mall and planned a special strawberry pancake breakfast. He laughed his head off when he told us it was not really FD -but he enjoyed the treats anyway.
Teyauna loves sleeping right next to me. She just stands up and pulls herself up to me and jumps and squeals till I nurse her and let her sleep on my face. We did find a little crib that fits in the MoHo but I wish she did not have such easy access to me all night.