05 April 2013
The past week in San Diego we have been very busy. We have already had visits with 5 families that we have known in the past and worked on getting last minute preparations completed.
I have managed to find the 4 second hand scuba tanks I had wanted to have on the boat for the trip. The excuse is to have the equipment necessary to clean and inspect the bottom of the boat but really, I am looking forward to diving in some of the most incredible spots of the South Pacific.
This week I also had Shea from Offshore Outfitters come and help troubleshoot some problems we have been having with our Ham Radio. I have been able to communicate with others using the radio but the signal strength has been weak. After a few hours of tweaking things we finally got everything working only to have the tuner on the radio die on us a few minutes later. After that happened I was no longer to send emails through the Ham radio and Single Side Band. It looks like we are going to have to spend some money on a used tuner argh! I really do hope that our communications equipment lasts our trip because we are depending on it extensively. With our ham radio not only do we report our position but we also check in with others, send and receive email messages and get weather updates.

Another big project was to wash off the paint that had scraped onto our boat by a mooring buoy that we drifted into as our anchor came loose on Santa Cruz Island. The side of the boat had burgundy splotches and streaks of paint on it. Dailin spent much of a day on the task with Jaeden, Orin, Eli and I all pitching in for an hour at the end of the day to finish it off. We had to rub so hard however that it may have taken a protective coat off of the side of the boat so I think we now need to do a bit of waxing and polishing to even the finish out.
In a frantic hurry to make sure we have everything we need by next week I have been making a few dozen online orders. We have ordered school books, an international cell phone charger, medical supplies, a video camera battery, a seed sprouter, a laptop battery and a kindle protective case (it has been replaced 5 times due to lines in the screen since October). Lets hope we did not forget anything important… at least now my computer battery will last a few hours rather than 20 minutes. I guess I’ll be able to keep up on my blogs now!
Among all the busyness there have been lots of cute moments. Today Kirsten needed to give Zakary a bath and so we filled up the bottom of a 5 gallon pail with some warm water. He was excited to hop in and splash around. One would not have seen him however unless they knew he was inside as he was crouched down and only too happy to be inside the bucket that only last week he was reaching his hand in and splashing around in.

… too cute! And Teyauna seems to be taking after Alyssa as substitute mommy.
How well we remember those frantic days in Chula Vista, trying to fill every anticipated need and then some we hoped we’d never need. I remember thinking Den was a little nuts when he came home with 3 extra impellers for our engine. He must have been inspired, tho’ because we used every one of those before we got to Samoa. The diving equipment was crucial, even though we mostly just used mask and snorkel. When you do need those items, you’ll be so glad you have them. Kir, can you remember how much the missionaries used to love coming down to the marina on their prep days, offering to help out anyone with anything. I’m sure it was their sweet spirit of service (rather than the cute girls) that impelled them to help. I recall that pretty much everyone was eager to accept their help. We all felt trepidation at the adventure ahead and worried about whether we were adequately prepared.
It’s so great reading your blogs and joining in this adventure. Please hug your chillies for us. We love you so much. Zach is the cutest little bucket bather we’ve seen.
Love to see you engaged in your daily chores and watching Zackary in his own little hotub. So…..cute
That photo is so precious! I love these posts!
Thinking of you all and sending our love.
Norm, glad you’ll have more battery power. Keep the posts coming! I had a good chat with Tyson on Sunday evening, and my wife and I are more enthusiastic than ever to get our boat and get going as well. I’m learning tons reading about your prep, so thanks for the details. I can only imagine how long your list is.
If you’re looking for a good book on ideas of living aboard comfortably for the long term, I’ve been reading (and re-reading) “All in the Same Boat” by Tom Neale. We have yet to apply much of what he writes about, but it’s been a good reference for us. My quote for the day under the section “Taking Off and Getting in the Groove”:
“Do the best you can, make lists, divide labor, prioritize. But relax. You can still accomplish things after you leave. You’ll still be able to get things. You’ll still be able to talk to shoreside denizens. Life will go on. As a matter of fact, it will be great.”
I have no doubt you’re already doing these things. And I suspect you’re in better shape than you realize. I hope you enjoy it. And thanks for sharing!
I can not believe you guys are doing this. I love the pictures and the updates on all the things you get your kids to do. I would love to have the courage to do something similar with my family.