One thing to remember about living in the tropics is that although there is more sunshine than you’ll ever know what to do with, the rainstorms are like nothing you will witness anywhere else. It can be clear skies and warmth one moment and merciless downpour the next. One afternoon, I looked out of the window from where I worked to see the most torrential rainstorm I had ever encountered. There was so much water coming down, there was a geyser shooting out of one of the manholes nearby. Soon the water was so deep that people were bring tubes and skim boards to the site. Jealousy ate away at me until my coworker suggested we go check it out.

We work in the issue room for all the exercise equipment and workout clothing, so we changed into some of the work out cloths, checked to make sure our manager wasn’t around, and each took turns running outside and playing in the rain.
It was so unreal! The parking lot was so flooded that the water was up to the doors on the vehicles. A crowd gathered that would just stand and watch cars trying to drive through the sea of rain. Needless to say, the towels we rent there, ran out by the end of the day.

I have always told people that the average rainfall in Victoria was around 35 inches. In Samoa, 300 inches. I’d like you to confirm that. The neat thing about Samoan rain is that it only rained for about 15 minutes and dropped an inch of rain. did this practically every day. Well, thats my story. is it accurate? When you get there please verify this for me. Dad
I wish we had rain like that here!!!!